Video podcast with Michael Brown on the biblical future (48 minutes)

Friends at CBET recently interviewed Dr. Michael Brown and myself regarding our book, Not Afraid of the Antichrist. The book explains why we do not find any passages in context that support a pretribulation rapture (though we have friends who disagree!)

Introduction to how to use

This short video surveys what’s available on this site, especially various Bible studies (available by text and/or topic, in the pull-down menu on the right) and video lectures or messages (including some 60 hours of lectures on a few biblical books), as well as a basic Bible interpretation manual on the free resources tab at the top of the page (available so far in several languages). My publishers own my academic works, but the posts, videos and interpretation manual on this site are all free.

The 2-3 minute video is here

Craig’s conversion testimony

This testimony is not meant as empirical evidence that would persuade somebody else. It is simply what happened to me. (If I were going to make up a conversion testimony, this wouldn’t be it! And if I were to choose my own background, I would’ve grown up a Christian instead of converting later. But this is what happened, so this is what I have to share, at least as a short and partial version.)

Panel discussion with Craig, Bart Ehrman, Mike Licona, Rob Bowman (1 hour)

Admittedly I write better than I speak, especially extemporaneously, but this was an engaging exchange of ideas regarding differences in the Gospels, in this one-hour discussion. Some of us regard the differences as less significant historically than what we have in many fairly comparable ancient works; Bart regards many of them as problematic errors. We all had a friendly, civil exchange, however. It should be noted that each of us also did separate plenary presentations, so some of us had already offered positive arguments for the overall reliability of the Gospels, but at this point we were focusing on the more conspicuous differences among them.