The renewing of the mind, Romans 12:2

In this lecture from Feb. 5, Craig talks about the renewing of the mind and provides exegetical insights on Romans 12:1-3. He addresses also the interplay between spiritual intuition (what we often call “being led by the Spirit”) and godly wisdom, in raising the question, How do we discern God’s will?

The other (previous) two lectures in this series were, first:

and, second (better than the first, and especially relevant to this third one, by tracing the theme of the mind earlier in Romans):


The Mind of the Spirit–Romans 8

This is Craig’s lecture from February 4, based on 4 chapters of his future book on the Mind of the Spirit. This lecture treats the theme of the mind in Romans 1 (the fallen mind), 6:11 (the mind of faith), 7:7-25 (the mind under the law), and 8:5-7 (the mind of the Spirit). This is a good one!

This video starts at the beginning and is found at:

(For those who missed it but want to view it, the previous video in the series, on the mind of Christ in 1 Corinthians 2:16, appears at