Interview about Gospels’ reliability, part 2 (8 minutes)

I apologize that the picture of me froze (especially with that bored look on my face–I wasn’t really bored!) But the audio is mostly good, especially considering that my interviewer and I were on opposite sides of the planet.

Cessationism interview (35 minutes)

The interviewers, Luis and José, continue the interview. They asked me about Calvinism, cessationism, and “Strange Fire.” THIS part of the interview is more about the epistemic possibility of miracles (i.e., responding to those who deny biblical miracles by fiat). (In response to the Calvinism question, I pointed out that only one stream of Calvinism is cessationist; e.g., John Piper is not …)–aS0RE

Hume’s objections to miracles–30 minutes

30-minute video interview with Craig. After a Spanish introduction, the rest is English with Spanish subtitles. It includes some background on Craig and then moves to a summary of Hume’s objections to miracles and a summary of Craig’s response

Women in Ministry: egalitarian position (1-hour video interview)

I don’t usually blog on this topic (I wrote Paul, Women & Wives 27 years ago and I am usually posting on topics on which I have been working more recently), but Remnant Radio interviewed me on this topic on July 22. The lead interviewer has some reservations about women in ministry, but I affirm it and seek to explain the cultural setting that the passages in question were addressing. Obviously in an hour we couldn’t cover every passage or argument in detail, but we could begin the discussion ….