Lost Gospels?

This 7-minute video discusses the so-called Lost Gospels.

Please note that, contrary to the view you might get from this clip, I am among those who accept Q (though I respect those who do not)–it’s just discussed elsewhere in the original course, not this brief clip. (Also, I view Thomas as mid-second century but containing some authentic elements, but including gnostic elements; gnosticism in its complete forms has not been shown to predate the second century.) The larger course is found at the following site, for free: http://faculty.gordon.edu/hu/bi/ted_hildebrandt/DigitalCourses/00_DigitalBiblicalStudiesCourses.html#Matthew_Keener

When politics attacks preachers

With apologies to readers outside the U.S., I am making this single, nonpartisan foray into U.S. politics (no more than this one, because Proverbs 18:2 rightly describes most internet comments: “Fools don’t enjoy understanding; they just like promoting their own views”!). I do mean “nonpartisan” genuinely; I could’ve commented about either party …

Ancient historians were supposed to deal in facts

Some people say that ancient biographers (like the Gospel writers) or historians (like Luke in Acts) freely invented their stories. This claim, however, does not fit the actual evidence. See this five-minute video at:

For more of this series on Matthew’s Gospel, see the free videos at: http://faculty.gordon.edu/hu/bi/ted_hildebrandt/DigitalCourses/00_DigitalBiblicalStudiesCourses.html#Matthew_Keener