Ancient biography and the Gospels (17.48 minutes)

Part 2 of Mike Licona’s interview with Craig regarding ancient biography (17.48 min’s). This one offers a good summary of Christobiography: Memory, History, and the Reliability of the Gospels:

Kindle or hard copy on Amazon, ebook or hard copy on

P.S., authors should do their best to communicate their intention, but inevitably authors get interpreted through the frameworks and categories of readers. My friend Bill Craig (William Lane Craig) interprets my friend Bart Ehrman’s interpretation of myself and some others here. 🙂

God provided in a time of desperate need

In this three-minute video, I just reminisce on a time of God’s provision when I was unemployed, not yet reemployed, and had nothing. God sent provision through someone who did not know my need.

(P.S., in the video I mention that I’ve continued sponsoring a child through decades. It’s not all the same child. The first one grew up 🙂 )